
Asylum Chapter 1

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AmericanWasted's avatar

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I lay on a cold, gray cement floor. My cell is one of those I told about earlier, with the rusty blood-stained walls and such. It does seem that the walls are not the only things stained. My arms are restrained in a once white-now gray strait jacket. I hate it-it makes me feel like an animal that is trapped. Being unable to defend myself is not in my best interests if I want to last long here. My ankles are not bound though, so at least I can walk freely.

This is when I heard it-the cold, hollow sound of footsteps fast approaching.  My first instinct is to get as far as possible away from the cell door and get into a somewhat defense like position. I found a long time ago that they do not fear me, but that I instead should fear them. In a roundabout way it is like the insane are running the asylum. Suddenly Jena's face fills my mind. What would she have done? At first she probably hid within the cell, terrified. But as time went on she must of gotten bolder and tried to escape at some point. Then I decided…that I was not going to sit in this hell hole and rot while awaiting death, I was going to try to escape.

Struggling to my feet, I managed to get right behind the door. My plan is to swing the heavy metal door back at the nurse or orderly who happens to open the door but not enough to close it all the way. Then I would hopefully get past them and run. That was as far as I had it planned out. A long shot, I know.   I would just have to go for it from there.

The hollow footsteps neared and came to a halt. I held my position behind the door so whoever opened it would not spot me until I hit them. I could hear them jingling the key in the lock. My heart seemed to accelerate in my chest and nearly explode as the key turned and clicked. The world seemed to move in slow motion as a scrawny, bald, middle aged orderly with round glasses entered. He paused-looking mildly confused for a moment in disbelief. That was enough time for me. In a split second I used my body to slam the iron door toward him. It connected with his shoulder first. He winced in pain, causing his skull to slam into it next.  A sickening crack broke the heavy silence before the orderly's body instantly crumpled to the floor. I froze for a second. Had I just murdered a man? Instinct automatically took over. Why the hell would I care if he dies? He was no help to me. I thought of what he did to Jena and what he'd eventually help do to me. I carelessly stepped over the broken body and out of my cell without glancing back.

I took in my surroundings. I appeared to be in a narrow hall with double doors at each end, although the rest of this ward seemed empty. There were no windows either. My options were either left or right and then hope that whichever one I took would lead me out-not further in.  Right, I decided. I took off running down the hall as fast as I could manage with my arms restrained. As I reached the end of the corridor I shoved myself into the door and stumbled onto a fire escape about two stories up from ground level. That had to be pure luck. I looked down, contemplating whether my chances were better to go up or down. An alarm went off- they must have found the body. The guards below me scurried around securing every entrance and exit. Great, well I guess I was not heading down-there was no way I would be able to get through the barbed wire fence even without being in a strait jacket. Guess I'm going up. I started up the metal stairs taking two at a time, and almost tripping on others. It would not take long for them to discover me. I glanced down. Sure enough white clad orderlies were on the landing of the fire escape where I first started. I sped up until my feet finally met the gravel of the rooftop.  

I looked around. Where else could I go from here? I could only run for so long and so far until they managed to catch up with me. The repercussions of trying to escape would be unimaginable. The blue metal door on the entrance to the rooftop slammed open, knocking into the gray cement wall with a loud thud. Two orderlies in their white uniforms strode forward out of the darkness of the doorway, their faces ridged with disgust, and anger. I glanced directly at them, trying to analyze a way to get around. Suddenly the scrawny orderly's face filled my vision. I must of killed him; oh well he was a sick fucker anyways, I thought shoving the thought away.  A third figure mysteriously appeared out of the doorway, revealing him. Fear and shock scorched my veins, jolting them as the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. The mastermind of all the sick and twisted things that happen at Greenwell…had shown up…just to make sure I did not escape? Why would he bother with me? I was just one of the many pawns he held prisoner here. He still wore his olive green doctor scrubs with an equally disgusting cap and mouth covering of the same green, splattered with a thick rusty red color. My body went cold. That had to be blood…human blood. I resisted the urge to vomit. He almost elegantly raised a bloody gloved hand and beckoned the orderlies toward me. I had never seen the monster speak, never seen his face, and never seen him show up unless his presence was to torture and torment. I stared at the ground, frustrated. I was stuck. The small group of orderlies finally clumsily clattered onto the roof.  There was no way out here. My body seemed to realize it before my mind did. The only way not to return to the clutches of this hell hole was to die. Then I would be free. I was better off dead than here.
Finally here is chapter 1! Here is my Christmas present to you guys & I'm happy to upload it =) There is more to come hopefully soon, but please comment and tell me what you think! Constructive criticism is very welcome.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!
© 2010 - 2024 AmericanWasted
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X-vampiregenesis-X's avatar
Ok this is interesting, I wonder what the mastermind wanted from a prisoner like him.....I guess I'll have to find out later xD Good job! Keep it up! Me wAntZ m0Ar!@#